Fiesta Subaru is Your Albuquerque NM Used Car Subaru dealership
Nothing quite compares to the exciting feeling of purchasing a new car! But knowing you’ll have a big car payment each month can quickly extinguish the thrill. That’s when you need to find an Albuquerque NM used car Subaru dealership. Well, let your excitement build, because Fiesta Subaru is here for you!
Advantages of Buying Used 
Buying a used or even a certified pre-owned vehicle isn’t everyone’s take on “getting a new car.” Since “new” usually evokes thoughts of that delicious new car smell and an immaculate interior, most of us don’t think of a new vehicle as being a used one. However, purchasing a used car can actually be a big advantage in the long run- especially when it’s a Subaru!
The word to remember is depreciation. As time goes by, all vehicles depreciate, or lose their value. Did you know that a brand-new car will likely lose 20% of its value during the first year of ownership? Then, after about five years, that same car will have lost about 50% of its value! If you buy a used Subaru from Fiesta Subaru, you’ll be the one benefiting from its depreciation.
Due to your budget restrictions, you may have fewer makes and models to choose from when shopping for a brand-new ride. This is NOT the case when you shop at our Albuquerque NM used car Subaru dealership! You’ll be able to find a vehicle that you love at a great price. Instead of being limited to the lower trims, you can select from vehicles that have the features you want for a much lower price.
Used vehicles typically incur lower insurance payments than brand-new vehicles. When you purchase something used, you’ll save money on the car, as well as your insurance premiums!
Registration fees are based on the year and value of the vehicle; therefore, with a lower price tag, the registration of your new used car will be lower as well.
Albuquerque NM Used Car Subaru Dealership: CPO vs. Used
What makes a CPO vehicle different from a regular used car? The CPO program allows buyers to access cars that are certified by the dealership through a much more rigorous inspection.
CPO vehicles are guaranteed, just like new cars are, based on criteria set by the carmaker. A CPO Subaru has undergone a more stringent inspection performed by a highly-qualified Subaru technician. Buyers will also receive a comprehensive report that gives the vehicle’s history and current condition. A regular used car is held to these extra-high standards.
Regarding quality and performance, Subaru’s CPO vehicles are a better choice than other used cars sold by Subaru. When comparing used versus CPO vehicles, you should keep in mind that CPO vehicles must abide by the manufacturer's standards and are guaranteed by the company. The basic used cars don’t offer the same guarantee. If you purchase a CPO Subaru, you’ll get a new car warranty. A used Subaru is still an excellent alternative to a brand-new vehicle, but it doesn’t come with a warranty.
Visit Fiesta
So go ahead and get excited about shopping at Fiesta Subaru, your Albuquerque NM used car Subaru dealership, because when you buy from Fiesta, you’ll get a terrific deal on a terrific Subaru. Find us at 7100 Lomas Blvd, Albuquerque, NM 87110.